ed: new pictures
Brieanne is amazing
I am not an expert
Reyna from Tuberculosis is so fucking fierce
Tomas from
Rad Dad got the table right across from me! I met him when I was just one month pregnant at the SF Anarchist Bookfair. His zine is SO GOOD and he's one of my biggest parent inspirations.
Sara gave me a zine about punk parenting from Argentina!
Station 40 kids
This year's
bookfair was so amazing. Lots of good workshops, gorgeous space (at the
Barnsdall Art Park!), perfect weather. It was packed the whole day. I coordinated childcare but, for the first time, didn't actually DO the childcare- hooray! Jennifer, who should be made a saint, did it. I tabled for Anarcha and facilitated a radical parenting workshop and had an amazing time.
with Jennifer
with Liz and Stoney
with Vlad
I know you think you see my boob in these pictures but you don't.