Sunday, January 31, 2010

Easy (like Sunday morning)

Ready for a diaper change!
We spent our Sunday morning at home, playing inside and then moving outside to skateboard, climb around on the neighbor's lawn, terrorize cats, etc. Here are some videos from inside time (not too exciting, but you can see what he's into, I guess. Also see him say "up!"):

Sunday, January 24, 2010

2nd Annual Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair

indymedia article here

ed: new pictures

Brieanne is amazing
I am not an expert

Reyna from Tuberculosis is so fucking fierce
Tomas from Rad Dad got the table right across from me! I met him when I was just one month pregnant at the SF Anarchist Bookfair. His zine is SO GOOD and he's one of my biggest parent inspirations.
Sara gave me a zine about punk parenting from Argentina!
Station 40 kids

This year's bookfair was so amazing. Lots of good workshops, gorgeous space (at the Barnsdall Art Park!), perfect weather. It was packed the whole day. I coordinated childcare but, for the first time, didn't actually DO the childcare- hooray! Jennifer, who should be made a saint, did it. I tabled for Anarcha and facilitated a radical parenting workshop and had an amazing time.

with Jennifer

with Liz and Stoney
with Vlad
I know you think you see my boob in these pictures but you don't.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Lovin country style

Joel left his hair grease behind and I couldn't let it go to waste

A light in the attic

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Saturday, January 2, 2010

High on rebellion

Jennifer sent me these pictures from Clitfest back in August