thanksgiving dinner

at amanda's house with a tiny tiny dog

poppa got him a remote control car!

... which he liked to drive over the xmas tree

two days after thanksgiving was my bday, so we went to the tide pools in san pedro

back at amanda's house, he got to play with percussion instruments

thanksgiving dinner

heidi gave him some cool goggles

keith showed him star wars

watching star wars perched on my back

watching star wars perched on a cat structure

and back on my back again

lots of driving

playing with gigi's neighbors

sound asleep on gigi's couch



he wanted tattoos

bird tattoos

just before we drove back up north, we stopped at the beach. it was too hot.

he loves his remote control car
maybe i've posted these before?
more from the tide pools/park (photos courtesy of amanda)
an older one, maybe posted before?

his favorite songs: